When I got here my soul was in front of me staring at the blank weatherless sky. Reluctantly I ventured through the vast coldness with hope for the summer to show her face. As I sank deeper I read your poetry above the parchments. Slowly, very slowly the words you have spoken detach themselves,
Silently, the ink dissolves in salt. I never wanted to forget. That has never been my intention. Because this hope, has filled the glass like wine. It keeps refilling itself,
how strangely amusing that is!
I read your words beyond the parchments, and just as I felt I have understood something, I realize that I was reading them upside down.
I read your words beyond the parchments, and just as I felt I have understood something, I realize that I was reading them upside down.
pergh...kalu da ayat mcam ni, da kalah William Shakespeare! sedih jer..harapan...